Current Projects
Innovate UK Energy Catalyst 6 Grant
Building on the successful development and testing of low-cost, modular and upgradeable Solar Home Systems under the Innovate UK round 4 early stage feasibility study, this project will develop complete “Businesses-in-a-box” to enable the productive use of power by small businesses, small holders and micro-entrepreneurs in rural Africa. We will source, develop and improve relevant high efficiency DC equipment and marry this to dedicated PAYG solar power systems. We will complete detailed economic models to ensure the businesses are viable and can pay the rental costs for the provision of the services, which will include the power system, end-use equipment and appliances, access to any necessary business inputs, appropriate training and support and full maintenance and refurbishment. As well as creating jobs and improving productivity, the enhanced incomes and cost savings will enable a greater quality of life. Specific targets include: irrigation and water pumping; refrigeration; fishing equipment; agri-processing equipment; and will also target improved health through active solar-powered mosquito repellent and insecticide equipment; improved lights; fans and other household appliances with lower costs. Beta systems will be trialled in Tanzania.
We acknowledge the financial support of an Energy Catalyst Round 6 grant, plus an Innovate UK Covid Continuity Grant.
Milk Collection Centres
Based on the work completed under an SBRI Feasibility study (completed in Dec 2020), we are looking to undertake pilot trials to replace diesel generator powered equipment in the rural, off-grid milk collection centres in Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
High-efficiency LED’s
High efficiency equipment reduces the size and cost of stand-alone solar power systems. Our current LED lights are 140lm/W which would be rated well above A++. Our next generation lights are targeting 200lm/W.
Re-usable Packaging
In our continuous efforts to reduce our environmental impact, we are exploring ways to re-use of packaging material to allow local communities to produce furniture, bee-hives and other products, for local use in East Africa.