Future Products
Underwater Lights
Different water conditions have a differing impact on night fishing lights. We are developing an underwater night fishing light to complement our existing fishing light.
Street and Yard Lights
We are testing a wide range of very efficient, solar street lights and yard lights to fit a wide range of applications and price points. Lower cost systems save power via timed lighting levels or motion sensors. A range of portable area lighting systems are in development.
Irrigation Pumps
Less than 10% of arable land in Africa is irrigated although substantial water reserves are available close to the surface (especially in Tanzania and Uganda). Irrigation enables small-holders and farmers to plant high yield crop varieties and achieve 2-4 cropping cycles per annum.
We are evaluating a wide range of water pumps for:
Surface water irrigation – spray and drip-feed
Borehole water irrigation – spray and drip-feed
Water pumps for community drinking water; animal watering
Post-harvest losses significantly contribute to hunger and malnutrition in Africa and lower farmer incomes.
We are developing a range of high-efficiency DC solar fridges and freezers for:
Shop retailers
Smallholder dairy herds
Fish and fruit preservation
Milk collection centres
Domestic use with our larger SHS’s
Medium Solar Power System
Productive Power requires an enhanced range of Solar Power Systems. We are completing the development of a very flexible, modular medium power system to enable us to accurately match the power source to the duty cycle of productive power equipment.
Solar Seed
People at the base of the poverty pyramid cannot afford to purchase the base-level SHS even with PAYG payment schemes. Many have outgrown the limited capabilities of solar lanterns. In conjunction with the Children of Songea (an NGO based in Tanzania), we are testing a very low-cost Solar Home Lighting System to provide light, phone charging and power a mosquito repellent system (see below).
Mosquito Repellent System
Sub-saharan Africa accounts for over 90% of the worlds Malaria infections and deaths. 10 in 100 children under 5 die annually from Malaria in Tanzania. Repeated bouts of Malaria severely impact earning potential, school attendance and achievement, and disproportionately affect pregnant women. The impact is most acutely felt in rural areas, where the lack of power limits vector control.
In conjunction with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and support from Loughborough University, we are developing a portable low-cost active mosquito repellent system.
Successful businesses require more than a power source and a piece of equipment. We are developing holistic Businesses-in-a-Box to provide the complete power system equipment AND support package needed for (young) entrepreneurs.
Examples of BInB’s under development include:
Barber Shop
Cell phone Charging
Market Garden Drip Irrigation