How We Do Business
Our Business model
Africa Power seeks to provide renewable, clean, affordable energy solutions which add value to ALL members of off-grid rural communities. In all cases, our solutions:
> Save our customers money over their current solutions, which are generally less convenient and clean.
> Increase our business customers' profits through greater productivity and lower costs.
Solutions for our customers include:
> Productive Power for micro, small and large businesses, where we provide BOTH high-efficiency end-use equipment AND the (solar) power generator.
> Displacement of diesel and petrol generators where the business already has invested in productive equipment.
> Community facilities, where our high-efficiency light bulbs, low energy computers; sound systems; medical equipment; low energy TV’s and projection equipment, mean that we can install smaller solar power systems at a
lower cost (doing more with less).
> Households, where we supply modular, upgradeable Solar Home Systems, so that families can gain the full benefits of modern electrification on an affordable plan.

Value for money
We benchmark our solutions against the current market and provide upper-quartile quality and capability at lower quartile prices.
Our Triple Bottom Line
We run the company based on a triple bottom line: People, Planet and Profits.
> Our systems enable all our customers to save money and/or increase income and profits. We take Gender Equality (Mainstreaming) and Social Inclusion seriously and have special training programs and life-skills courses to increase our numbers of female, and otherwise socially excluded, agents.
> (make this bullet green) All our power systems are renewable, zero-carbon systems. We generally rent our systems and therefore ensure safe environmental recycling or disposal at end-of-life. We are transitioning to circular net-zero carbon systems and services.
> (Make this bullet purple)Profits grow our business, adding value for investors and scaling to provide modern energy services to more people.
To see how we incorporate people, planet and profits into our solutions click below: