We DETERMINE the needs and wishes of our current customers, enabling us to
identify new product solutions and the investment opportunities of the future.
To find out how we do business:

We DEVELOP affordable and profitable solutions for all sections of the market. Our Productive Power solutions combine high-efficiency, end-use equipment and appliances coupled to stand-alone (solar) power systems, implemented with a comprehensive package of maintenance, repair, training and business support.
To find out how we develop our products:

Innovation has no impact unless it is widely used. We DEPLOY our systems via our own family of distributors under the KuaSolar brand as well as selling
wholesale to third-party distributors; NGO's; microfinance and aid organisations.
To find out how to partner with us:
Our Product Brand -

We sell our products in East Africa under the KuaSolar brand.
Kua in Swahili means Growing or to Grow.
We provide modular upgradeable Solar Home Systems (SHS’s) and Productive Power Systems, allowing our customers to grow their systems to meet their expanding needs on an affordable plan.
Growing Africa Power, providing excellent returns to investors
Growing our customers’ micro-enterprises and businesses
Growing our, and our distributors', workforce to increase jobs
Growing our energy energy shops
To find out more about our products: